Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Telling Phrase: from a billboard

"Dear Mommy,
I know you were pressured. But God still loves you.
The Unborn"

I saw these words on a billboard along highway 40E while driving back from Illinois after Easter. I was about 20 minutes east of Knoxville at the time. When I saw the sign, I had already seen three other anti-abortion billboards during my drive. All of them working a religious angle and all of them directed at women who had already chosen abortion.

The signs struck me as bizarre, but not entirely unexpected. My experience in Tennessee thus far has taught me that this is a majorly Christian area and that the Christians here are vocal and political. So the sign didn't surprise me. It was the fact that there were so many similar signs - speaking to women about God and guilt and the unborn - but I have yet to see one offering help. None of these signs said anything about WIC, or Planned Parenthood, or adoption, or any other means of cheap and available health or child care.

The abundant guilt messages and unseen messages of aid strike me as bizarre, contradictory really. As a collection of telling phrases, these signs gave me the impression that the groups funding these signs don't acknowledge a connection between helping "mommies" and "saving the babies."

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should check out the Agape Women's Services in Johnson City. They are an abortion alternative clinic focused around unconditional love and helping the woman/mother through her pregnancy no matter what she decides to do. They help provide the woman with options which is something not a lot of women around here get. many here are pressured into secret abortions by their families or boyfriends who do not want to help her with having a child.

    A big issue that advocates of abortion do not talk about is that there often severe medical, emotional, and psychological issues that result from a woman having an abortion. The American Pregnancy Association has studies which confirm this as well as reports from the U.S. Surgeon General going as far back as 1989. Agape helps women through these issues and all things relating to pregnancy and child birth. They also help provide for the child and the mother if she keeps the baby.

    Just some food for thought and another resource you might pass along to someone in need.
