Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Neologism - Sarcastrophy

Have you ever been around little kids that know just enough about sarcasm that they know it can be funny, but not enough to know that there are unspoken rules to sarcasm? For the most part kids just don't get, they haven't quite figured it out yet. Being around these kids is really funny cause all you want to do is laugh as they flounder in their attempts to be sarcastic.

I found a new word on a blog online the other day to describe the scenario when a child fails to use sarcasm correctly and causes an inverse reaction to what they had intended to create. The new word is sarcastrophe. Sarcastrophe is the combination of the word sarcasm and the word catastrophe. So literally the word means a catastrophe of sarcasm. When a sarcastrophe occurs it is appropriate to laugh hysterically until tear come and your belly aches, so enjoy.

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