Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Neologism - Infoganda

In every work of literature or drama there is always something that is desired to be communicated by the author or creator. This information is often generic or universal information but more and more often we are seeing people use these art forms as their way of expressing opinions or speaking on certain issues. This is something that can be very good and has allowed society to connect and overcome certain obstacles.

However these medias can also be used in a negative way to express information that is deviant and untrue. Examples of this can be seen in propaganda posters from any major regime that has been built on human suffering or racism.

Infoganda is a combination of the word information and propaganda and refers to works of literature, drama, and art in which information is communicated which by it's slanted nature is propaganda. Infoganda often seeks to forward and agenda held by the maker. The agenda is usually not very well hidden or masked and lacks the quality of subtle influence that is attributed to other forms of propaganda.

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