Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Neologism - Chronogypsy

I was reading online today and came across this word which I thought was very creative. The new word is Chronogypsy. The word is a combination of Chrono (from Kronos) and gypsy (nomad). The word literally means a traveler of time.

A Chronogypsy is a time traveler. He or she wanders time as a traveler wonders the highways. A chronogypsy is not limited by space or time and can effortlessly step from one time to another as easily as we mere mortals step from one room into another. Chronogypsies are highly prevalent in Science Fiction of all kinds and seem to be a necessary part of any Star Trek series. Chronogypsies are the subject of much debate as their occupation and the science behind their methods of travel are always in dispute by the comic book wielding crowd.

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