Saturday, April 24, 2010

Telling Use of Language --- Cerca Trova

A common phrase that is popular among magicians and the clothing they wear is the phrase "Cerca Trova." This is an Italian phrase meaning "seek and you shall find."

This phrase is popular because in magic there is always a lie and there is always a truth. The lie covers up the truth in a very artistic way and can be beautiful, but for a magicians mind seeing the illusion is not enough. The magician wants to know what lies beneath, what really is happening, and how he can do it as well.

But in case you didn't know it is bad etiquette for a magician to ask another magician how a trick is done. It is disrespectful and and is the sign of an immature magician. The phrase is a way of telling other magicians "if you really wanna know, go find out for yourself." The same goes for other non-magician laymen, if you really wanna know how the trick is done go pick up a book on magic and start reading, don't ask how it's done cause I'm not gonna tell you.

This use on language shows a level of frustration that the magician feels for the audience having missed the magic and enjoyed the moment. Often audiences are so focused on the operation of the trick that they miss the magic of the illusion, the beauty of it. This is frustrating for magicians because they do consider themselves artists and when someone doesn't a work of art its meaning and value are lost.

It also is a challenge set forth by the magician for people to use their minds and not be lazy. A magician puts many hours into his art practicing it and hopefully perfecting it, when someone wants to instantly know everything the magician knows without putting all the work into it that the magician has it is somewhat offensive. The magician does not discourage curiosity but does discourage laziness. The magician will not give answers that have not been sought wholeheartedly, earnestly, and dutifully.

Cerca Trova...

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