Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Neologism - Crunkle

In college I had a very dear friend named Craig. Craig was older than most students and had been in school longer than most doctors. Craig had the blessing of becoming an uncle early on in life and had a wonderful relationship with his nieces and nephews.

One of Craig's nephews called Craig Crunkle. Now we're not entirely sure why he originally called him this but this is what we decided later was the reason. First because Craig and Uncle combine to make Crunkle. Granted this is and inverse combination but it was funny and the name kinda stuck so.... history was made. Second we decided that since Craig loved crazy ghetto fabulous rap music that it was a perfect way to combine Crunk and Uncle. Crunk has various meanings according to urban dictionary, usually involving getting drunk or high or both. Not knowing this at the time I thought it made sense at the time (I'm not into rap music or hip-hop culture, can you tell?).

So there you have it... Crunkle.

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