Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Etymology - Appear

I love appearances on stage when the Magician or the Storyteller know what they are doing. The person comes forward and is recognized by the audience. He or she commands the attention of the audience, not necessarily through flashiness or showy props but merely through their presence. They hold themselves with dignity and power. It impressive and it makes me want to listen.

The word appear comes from the Latin word 'apparere' which comes from 'ad' meaning "to" and 'perere' meaning "come forth, be visible." So literally to appear is "to come forth, be visible." Its almost like in the house of representatives when someone is asked to stand and be recognized. In appearing a person is being recognized and given attention above everyone else in the room. In the same way when a storyteller appears on stage he or she is being elevated above everyone in the room. The teller becomes the center of attention.

For storytellers this is very important because if we do not make a good appearance then the attention is not on us. We need our style, our look, our presence to be something that makes our station and position as the center of attention known. We need everything in our appearance to contribute to our coming forth and being visible.

So go, make an appearance...

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