Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Neologism - Bromance

So while I was in college a couple of my friends were very into chick flicks. They loved romantic movies and would often have chick flick night and order pizza. It was really funny because both of these guys were hyper masculine. They did not fit the picture of chick flick loving type guys.

One day I was walking down the hall in the dorm and I heard singing coming from their room. I wondered what was going on so I opened their door only to find them both singing along to the movie Moulin Rouge at the top of their lungs. I started laughing hysterically and they just kept singing. It was great.

The next day I was giving them a hard time at lunch and I somehow blurted out the word bromance. I don't know that I had ever heard the word before but it just seemed right when making fun of them. Everyone got a kick out of it especially the guys. Who as a side note are both happily married to very loving wives who love chick flick night and pizza.

Anyway bromance is a combination of the words brother and romance to form a new word entirely. Bromance is that special bond of brotherly love that two guys who have struggled through life together have. Bromance is displayed especially between guys who have played sports together or have worked together on a difficult project. Bromance can be displayed in lots of different ways such as eating together, singing together, watching movies together, saying "love you bro," and on the very extremely rare occasion crying together.

Bromance is not homosexual in nature, it is simply a bond of friendship and brotherly love between two heterosexual males.

Bromance is a very rare thing though since some guys apparently have a fear of sharing thoughts and feelings so don't expect it to catch on any time soon.

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