Friday, April 23, 2010

Neologism: "zombie levels"

"Where," might you ask "can one find the creepiest basement on campus?"

Easy, the Campus Center Building. Although it currently houses offices for Theater, Women's Studies, and various campus groups, the lowest level of this building once held the campus cadavre lab. Much to my dismay, I was sent there with some classmates on an anthropology assignment. The only non-Anthropos student in the group, I was also the only person not referring to the old cadavre lab as "the zombie levels."

Zombie lore generally doesn't place the undead in underground chambers that no longer contain any yummy people. And depending on your personal zombie movie preferences, you may be convinced that zombies munch on dead people or that they prefer to snack on the living. Conveniently, the cadavre lab would have had both varieties available when it was still in use.

1 comment:

  1. I was also once summoned to this location for a GA meeting. I felt like a member of the CIA, mafia, or a frat group that was preparing for some serious hazing. It was definitely the creepiest place that I've been on campus, but then again, I haven't been in the ell tower of that old brick church on the James Q. side of campus.
