Saturday, April 24, 2010

Neologism - Steampunk

I don't think anyone has done this word yet, forgive me if it is a repeat though.

Steampunk is an aesthetic style and sometimes a lifestyle that combines elements of science fiction and fantasy with 19th century, steam-power era garments, furniture, and architecture. It could almost be described as Neo-Victorian. Steampunk as a style and lifestyle is very diverse and has many sub-genres and derivatives that are often self identified and defined but they all share the common themes above.

If you Google steampunk you will find all kinds of examples of what the steampunk style looks like. It's one of my favorite styles. The word itself is a combination of the word steam, which is a reference to the steam-power age from which much of the style is taken, and punk which refers to entire style and subculture of it's own. I won't even attempt to define punk style since it has a very diverse range of fashions and ideologies.

Google steampunk and see what interesting things you can find.

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