Monday, May 3, 2010

Telling Phrase: "Shout to the Lord"

Whilst eavesdropping in the Culp Center, I witnessed a female undergrad walking through The Cave and singing to herself. Her head was held high, her hands were in her pockets, and she seemed to be on more of a liesurely stroll than rushing to a class.

She was not singing a pop song. She was singing a Christain praise song (I'm assuming there's a more official term for this genre, of which I'm not aware), one line of which went, "Shout to the Lord all you..." There was a lot of background noise, so I couldn't make out much more than that; but I was struck by her self-confidence. I can't imagine being comfortable enough to sing to myself in such a public space (granted, this young lady was more in tune than I could ever hope to be).

As far as telling phrases go, this one screams confidence.

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