Friday, May 7, 2010

Telling Use of Language --- Adopt, you will receive more than you can ever give

I saw this ad while looking at some of ads online and I fell in love with. This is a very interesting and multi-layered use of language. This is an ad directed at the general public but is aiming for people who are looking to adopt a child. It really seems to be one of those ads that isn't so much trying to convince as it is to push people who are sitting on the fence undecided about the issue to commit. Adoption is a huge undertaking and a very serious responsibility but it is one well worth the effort and this ad makes that very clear. The ad informs that you will receive more than you will give which is true. Every bit of time, energy, and love that is poured into an adopted child is well invested and is in most cases given back ten-fold. I will admit to being somewhat biased as I am a huge fan of adoption and think it is a very noble commitment to enter into. The only negative connotation that I perceived from this ad was that if for some reason the adopted child does not open up to his adoptive family that they might feel cheated and become bitter because they did not receive more that they gave in return. If the only reason that a person is adopting is so that they can get something in return than there is a real problem that needs addressing, other than that I thought it was one of the best ads I have seen.

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