Friday, May 7, 2010

Telling Use of Language --- Wear the Pants

Recently I saw a Dockers advertisement in a Men's Health magazine which gave a huge rant about what men used to be like a hundred years ago versus what they are like now and then ended with the phrase, "Wear the Pants!" I wasn't really offended so much as I was caught off guard that Dockers actually considered khaki pants manly and other pants not. I had to laugh when thinking about this because the people who designed this ad have a completely different image of manliness in mind than I do. Needless to say the ad did not speak to me. The assumption of this ad I believe was twofold. One that men wear pants, period. And two that men wear Dockers pants. These are both pretty large assumptions and don't take into account my kilt wearing very manly ancestors. Long live the tartan kilt!

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