Monday, May 3, 2010

Telling Phrase: late night at Wal-Mart

Be forewarned, this has high ick-factor.

As previously mentioned in a past blog, I was at Wal-Mart late at night this past Saturday (please ignore the sadness of that) and trolling for new nail polish. Whilst meandering through the cosmetic aisles I was nearly mowed down by a middle aged woman intent on the conversation happening on her cell phone. As she pushed past me, she chuckled and said (into the cell), "so you gonna suck my toes later or what?"


Moments later, her adolescent daughters turned into the aisle in pursuit of her.


This phrase tells me 1) This is not a classy lady. 2) This is not someone who wants her daughters to be classy ladies. 3) I'm never buying nail polish after 9pm at a Wal-Mart ever again.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging anyone looking for a little philangeal fun; but this instance was a perfect example of violating the public with private talk.

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