Saturday, February 13, 2010

Neologism - Twart

Reported to me by a friend in England, from Radio 1, I thought this was the latest from the Twitterverse - a Twart - meaning a random piece of uninteresting trivia about the tweeters day, tweeted in the mistaken belief that it would interest others. Turns out it has been in use with this meaning since at least January 09. Conflation of twitter and fart.

Has greater currency in the UK than in the US, because it isn't so commonly confused with flatulence that only females can produce - though we do have the term twat, expelling air from that area is more commonly referred to as a fanny fart than a twart - confusing to Americans I imagine, since in American, fanny refers to a slighty less private part of the anatomy.

Interestingly Twart had some currency in the twitterverse with an entirely different meaning - ie an artistic tweet (presumably haikuesque in its ability to express an emotion or thought). The artistic community objected to the other connotations, and so the term didn't last in this sense.

1 comment:

  1. And who dat say we ain't as visceral as we used to be?
