Sunday, March 21, 2010

Telling Use of Language 2

So I don't know if you have ever heard of it but apparently there is this smoke-free, spit-free type of tobacco on the market called Snus. It has been very popular overseas but has only recently become all the rage in the United States and is now marketed by Camel.

I saw a Camel advertisement for Snus the other day that used the following line:

Life is not in recession... Break Free.

It was interesting because I wasn't entirely certain of what Snus was at that point so I had to google it to find out how it was going to help me break free.

With the massive healthy lifestyle trend that has become all encompassing over the last 40 years a subculture has quietly yet uncomfortably existed just below the surface. This subculture is the smokers culture. In most public places in the United States it is illegal to smoke, even outside in the open air. College campuses, airports, stores, restaurants, etc. are all off limits in most cases.

Snus is targeting the subculture of tobacco users who feel oppressed, as well as everyone else and saying, "hey, the economy maybe down, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy you're life. You may be oppressed by authorities and systems beyond your control but that doesn't mean you can't have fun and be free."

There is a desire for enjoyment, freedom, and control communicated in the ad and it is very catchy because of these motivators. Who doesn't want to enjoy their life, who doesn't want to be free, who doesn't want to control their own life/destiny?

The overall worldview behind this ad seems to be that life should be pleasurable, and that is what it communicates to it's viewers in only a few short words.

1 comment:

  1. This strikes me as an appeal to our inner child: that pleasure-seeking imp inside us who is tired of being adult and worrying about consequences.
