Saturday, March 27, 2010

Telling Phrases - "dangerous to proceed beyond this point"

About 100 yards back from the bottom of Yosemite Falls.

I adore the wording of this sign. I'm conscious of safety warnings, I'm also particularly conscious of rules in National Parks, knowing they are made (usually, and before the recent litigious climate) for a reason - my dad used to be responsible in large part for running the Lake District National Park in the UK.

If the sign had read "danger - do not proceded beyond this point" I would probably not have scrambled over the ancient rock fall to stand close enough to feel the spray on my face. As it was it took me a good 5 minutes of standing before I found the courage. But I did.

I hope that Yosemite have phrased it that way to leave the option open, rather than through oversight.

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