Monday, March 1, 2010

Telling Phrases - What's the letter for the sound [iə]

Well to my ear, the most telling thing about this phrase was that as far as I was concerned the little cartoon butterfly actually wanted the letter that makes the sound [I]. The word in question was Dig.
The whole set up was very interesting though. A TV show called Word Pictures. As the butterfly writes the letters with her magic wand, a floating spade digs a hole deeper and deeper, until when all 3 letters are illuminated, the hole is finished.
So many correspondences. Words as image makers, words as magical power, links to a piece of performance theory I've just been reading which emphasises shared imagery as the most important element both of performance and of experience; more links to the program that students I was telling to were using to help weaker readers, based on the belief that a lot of them struggle to visualise words.

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